5th Grade Reading Strategies



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Understanding Various Genres

How to Teach Reading Lesson Plans: Reads and understands various types of literary selections (genres—e. g., fiction, nonfiction, biographies, poetry).

1) Utilizes prior knowledge
Give students descriptions and have students match with appropriate genre.

2) Identifies point of view (e.g., first person – The narrator “I” is a character in the story; third person – the narrator is an outsider)
Have students read selected passages and identify the point of view.

3) Interprets figurative language/literary devices (e.g., similes, metaphors, personification, and hyperboles)
Have students give examples of similes and metaphors and explain their meaning.
Have students describe an inanimate object by giving it human characteristics.
Use electronic mail to send the descriptive paragraph to another class for them to draw.
Have students read a tall tale and make a chart listing exaggerations and explaining them. Use a data/analysis tool to create the chart of exaggerations and explanations. .

4) Identifies and creates genres (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, biography, poetry)
Have the students read various selections and label as to the correct genre.
Choose a genre and write an example of this type of literature. Students use a writing/publishing tool to write examples.

5) Identifies author’s purpose (e.g., inform, entertain, persuade, describe)
Have the students read a selection and determine the author’s purpose from the story’s content.
Have students verify and/or evaluate their response.
Use online resources to select a variety of articles/stories for students to determine the author's purpose.

6) Connects literature to real-life situations
Have the students read a current article about a natural disaster and describe measures taken to overcome the problems.
Use online resources to locate current events covering natural disasters.
Create a student newscast to share with other students through video or over the school intercom system.

7) Understands meaning of a passage from a selection
Have the students read a story title and tell what the story will be about.
Have the students read beginning paragraph of story and add to title prediction.
Have the students use a process for comprehension.

Reads and evaluates persuasive text

1) Utilizes prior knowledge
Have students find an example of persuasive writing in the newspaper and evaluate it.

2) Identifies fact and opinion
Give students a list of sentences to classify as fact or opinion.
Provide students with a topic and have them provide a fact and an opinion.
Use a news web site to provide articles for students to read and determine fact and opinion statements.

3) Distinguishes between informative and persuasive passages
Have students read two passages, one informative and the other persuasive, and label passages appropriately.

4) Identifies author’s position or personal view or personal stand.
Provide the students with a passage. The students will determine the author’s position and support with specific details.