5th Grade Reading Strategies



Help Fight Cancer and Alzheimers

Workplace Data

Reads and interprets practical workplace data (e.g., recipes, assembly directions, applications, menus)

1) Utilizes prior knowledge
Give students a job application to complete.

2) Follows the directions in a passage
Give students a passage to read that requires them to follow a simple set of directions.

3) Locates and applies appropriate information (e.g., menu, phone book, manuals, order forms)
Have students read a menu and order a meal.
Have students answer questions by locating specific information found in different sections of a phone book. Use an online directory to locate specific information about the community.
Have students complete an order form from a catalog.
Have students read a section from a manual and give a presentation to classmates.

4) Identifies sequence of activities needed to carry out a procedure
Have students follow a list of instructions to search for Internet information.
Use presentation tool for students to create a presentation listing instructions to complete a task, exchange presentations with another group, and have them complete the task.

5) Interprets specialized vocabulary
Give students a selection containing color-coded special vocabulary. Have students substitute each word with a synonym from provided word list.

6) Identifies information which provides additional clarity (e.g., bold-faced print, illustrations, italics).
Have students identify the bold-faced type and italics and discuss their relevance to the text.
Have students examine and interpret information from charts, graphs, and tables.
Have students examine and interpret information from illustrations and diagrams.