K Reading Strategies



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Attends and responds to print

Kindergarten Reading Lesson Plans: Attends and responds to print

1) Retells a familiar story using the child’s own words
Use dramatics and props, such as flannel boards or cut-out puppetry to retell a familiar story (e.g., The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood).
Allow students to dress up as characters from a story and retell the story in the first person point of view.

2) Moves hand in space from left to right
Use small flashlight or lighted pointer to follow left to right progression in the air.
Use a mirroring technique, to have students follow what the teacher does, while listening to music. The teacher becomes the leader and children follow movement from left to right accompanied by music.
Demonstrate left to right direction by using movement skills—skip, hop, jump, leap, run, slide, gallop, and walk. Compare left to right movement with forward and backward movements, etc.

3) Understands left to right progression on the page; top to bottom directions
Use paint or markers for students to draw lines from top to bottom on newspaper.
Use small flashlight or lighted pointer to follow left to right progression when sharing a big book.
Use colored dots, such as green, when sentence begins, and red when it ends.
Create an oversized book page. Students stand on the oversized book page. As someone reads, the child moves left to right following each word.
Model left to right as the class shares a big book.

4) Holds a book in correct way
Model holding a book correctly and point out correct way to turn pages.
Use student-made books to identify parts of a book (e.g., cover, table of contents), using zip-lock bags for books. Students understand when they have made their own book.

5) Understands return sweep; identifies direction which print is read
Model return sweep when reading big books (e.g., charts, etc.).
Explain left to right and top to bottom progression in the Sunday Comics. Students will create their own comic strip with paper, markers, and crayons. Students follow the comic sequence with a pointer as they retell the story.
Use short children’s songs on oversized sheet music to follow when singing. Rounds like Row, Row, Row Your Boat will show a repeat symbol ( :ll ) to return to the top of the music to begin again. Students will volunteer to demonstrate the return sweep (music repeat).

6) Recognizes print in the environment
Bring labels, ads, magazine clippings, etc., with frequently recognized logos (e.g., Nike, Campbell’s Soup, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, rest room, railroad).
Create traffic signs. Example: Teacher will identify familiar traffic signs and ask students to describe the signs by observing the colors, shapes, the letter designs, etc. Students will then draw a circle shape and color it green for go, a triangle and color it yellow for yield, an octagon colored red for stop, etc.

7) Reads some environmental print (signs/labels)
Display various familiar logos (e.g., J.C. Penny, Jitney Jungle, etc.), of neighborhood. Students will read and discuss the logos.
Provide opportunities to make up own logos for their school, home, or neighborhood.

8) Reproduces a pattern using concrete objects
Model the reproduction of repeated patterns such as boy, girl, colors, shapes, beads, or seeds.
Use cut-out colored paper in different shapes to create their own pattern. Use the shapes to create a border pattern. This border pattern may be placed on another sheet of paper. The resulting “frame” may be rectangular, oval, or any shape. Students can use this border pattern to frame a picture of themselves or a favorite photo.