Books Used with Story Form

Books Used with Project Read Story Form

Literature books used with Language Circle's Project Read Literature Connection.
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Project Read: The Language Circle Series

"The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear" by Don and Audrey Wood
"The Bear Under the Stairs" By Helen Cooper
"The Keeping Quilt" by Patricia Palacco
"Mr. Lincoln's Way" by Patricia Palacco
"Amelia's Road" by Linda Jacob Altman
"Flop-Ear" by Guido Van Genechten
"Big Moon Tortilla" by Joy Crowley
"The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn
"Chicken Sunday" by Patricia Palacco
"Hey, Little Ant" by Phillip and Hannah Hoose
"Thank you Mr. Falker" by Patricia Palacco
"Stranger in the Woods" by Jean Stoick & Carl R. Sams II
"Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" by Kevin Henkes
"Nate the Great Under Cover" by Marjorie Neeman Sharmat
"The Web Files" by Margie Palatini
"Polar, the Titanic Bear" by Daisy Corning Stone Spedden
"Snowflake Bentley" by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
"Amelia and Eleanor go for a Ride" by Pam Murray Ryan
"The Wagon" by Tony Johnston
"If a Bus Could Talk" by Faith Ringgold
"Aunt Claire's Yellow Beehive Hair" by Deborah Blumenthal
"The Butterfly" by Patricia Palacco

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