Learning Phonics Using Trade Books

Learning Phonics Using Trade Books to Enhance Phonics Instruction

A list of trade books to support the learning of long and short vowel sounds when teaching phonics.

Learning Phonics: Short a
Flack, M. Angus and the Cat. Doubleday, 1931.
Griffith, H. Alex and the Cat. Greenwillow, 1982.
Kent, J. The Fat Cat. Scholastic, 1971.
Most, B. There's An Ant in Anthony. William Morrow, 1980.
Nodset, J. Who Took the Farmer's Hat? Harper & Row, 1963.
Robins, J. Addie Meets Max Harper & Row, 1985.
Schmidt, K. The Gingerbread Man. Scholastic, 1985.
Seuss, Dr. The Cat in the Hat. Random House, 1957.

Learning Phonics: Long a
Aardema, V. Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. Dial, 1981.
Bang, M. The Paper Crane. Greenwillow, 1985.
Blume, J. The Pain and the Great One. Bradbury, 1974.
Byars, B. The Lace Snail. Viking, 1975.
Henkes, K. Sheila Rae, the Brave. Greenwillow, 1987.
Hines, A.Taste the Raindrops. Greenwillow, 1983.

Learning Phonics: Short and long a
Aliki. Jack and Jake. Greenwillow, 1986.
Slobodkina, E.Caps for Sale. Addison-Wesley, 1940.

Learning Phonics: Short e
Ets, M. H. Elephant in a Well. Viking, 1972.
Galdone, P. The Little Red Hen. Scholastic,1973.
Ness, E. Yeck Eck. E. P. Dutton, 1974.
Shecter, B. Hester the Jester. Harper & Row, 1977.
Thayer, J. I Don't Believe in Elves, William Morrow, 1975.
Wing, H. R. Ten Pennies for Candy. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963.

Learning Phonics: Long e
Galdone, P. Little Bo-Peep. Clarion/Ticknor & Fields. 1986.
Keller, H. Ten Sleepy Sheet. Greenwillow, 1983.
Martin, B. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Henry Holt, 1967.
Oppenheim, J. Have You Seen Trees? Young Scott Books, 1967.
Soule, J. Never Tease a Weasel. Parent's Magazine Press, 1964.
Thomas, P. "Stand Back," said the Elephant, "I'm Going to Sneeze!" Lothrop, Lee, & Shepard, 1971.

Learning Phonics: Short i
Brown, A. Willy the Wimp, Alfred A Knopf, 1984.
Ets, M. H. Gilberto and the Wind. Viking, 1966.
Hutchins, P. Titch. Macmillan, 1971.
Keats, E. J. Whistle for Willie. Viking, 1964.
Lewis, T. P. Call for Mr. Sniff. Harper & Row, 1981.
Lobel, A. Small Pig. Harper & Row, 1969.
McPhail, D. Fix-It. E. P. Dutton, 1984.
Patrick, G. This is...Carolrhoda, 1970.
Robins, J. My Brother, Will. Greenwillow, 1986.

Learning Phonics: Long i
Berenstain, S. & J. The Bike Lesson. Random House, 1964.
Cameron, J. If Mice Could Fly. Atheneum, 1979.
Cole, S. When the Tide is Low. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1985.
Gelman, R. Why Can't I Fly? Scholastic, 1976.
Hazen, B. S. Tight Times. Viking, 1979.

Learning Phonics: Short o
Benchley, N. Oscar Otter, Harper & Row, 1966.
Dunrea, O. Mogwogs on the March!. Holiday House, 1985.
Emberley, B. Drummer Hoff. Prentice-Hall, 1967.
McKissack, P. Flossie & the Fox. Dial, 1986.
Miller, P. & Seligman, I. Big Frogs, Little Frogs. Holt, Rinehart & Winston
Rice, E. "The Frog and the Ox" from Once in a Wood. Greenwillow, 1979.
Seuss, Dr. Fox in Socks. Random House, 1965.

Learning Phonics: Long o
Cole, B. The Giant's Toe, Farrar, Strauss, & Giroux, 1986.
Gerstein, M. Roll Over!, Crown, 1984.
Johnston, T. The Adventures of Mole and Troll. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1972.
Johnston, T. Night Noises and Other Mole and Troll Stories.
Shulevitz, U. One Monday Morning. charles Scribner's Sons, 1967.
Tresselt, A. White Snow, Bright Snow. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1947.

Learning Phonics: Short u
Carroll, R. Where's the Bunny: Henry Z. Walck, 1950.
Cooney, N. E. Donald Says Thumbs Down. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1987.
Friskey, M. Seven Little Ducks. Children's Press. 1940.
Lorenz, L. Big Gus and Little Gus. Prentice-Hall, 1982.
Marshall, J. The Cut-Ups. Viking Kestrel, 1984.
Udry, J. M. Thump and Plunk. harper & Row, 1981.
Yashima, T. Umbrella. Viking Penguin, 1958.

Learning Phonics: Long u
Lobel, A. The Troll Music. Harper & Row, 1966.
Segal, L. Tell Me a Trudy. Farrar, Strauss, & Giroux, 1977.
Slobodkin, L. "Excuse Me-Certainly!" Vanguard Press, 1959.

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