Oral Reading

First (1st) grade reading lesson plan for oral reading.

Reads orally with fluency based on rate, intonation, phrasing, and naturalness.

1) Provide numerous opportunities to recognize many sight words (e.g., high frequency, instruction connecting)

Play Around the World game: Two students will stand; teacher will hold up sight word; first student to pronounce the word will travel to the next person until the student has traveled around the room.
Read a poem several times until student memorizes the poem. Students recite poem.
Write sentences on sentence strips, and have the student read them.
Play word Bingo.
Play Sight Word Beach Ball. Example: The teacher will write vocabulary words from a story on a beach ball. As the ball is tossed, the student will pronounce the word that the thumbs touch when it is caught. The class will then spell the word aloud together.
Play sight word Musical Chairs. Each child will pronounce the word that he or she sits on when the music stops. Repeat until everyone has pronounced each word.
Play Sight Word Bag. Place a variety of words in a sight word bag. The words are spilled on the floor. Encourage the children to pick up the words that they know and can pronounce. Continue until all of the words are picked up.
Have students associate a sound with a word (e.g., “ring” sound with the word “bell”). Words may be acted out, vocalized, or sounded with instruments.
Allow students to replace a word in a sentence with a picture of that word. The students will identify the picture and write the printed word. Read the sentence aloud. Example: “The ------------ (picture of a cat) can run.” Place the printed word “cat” over the picture and read the sentence again.
Assign one letter to each student. Each child will represent a letter and its sound. Blend selected letters / sounds to make a word.
Perform different taps for each letter of a word. Say the letters in sequence to blend a word (e.g., CAT—one tap for c, loud tap for a, two short taps for t). This is a great activity for rhyming words.
Provide opportunities to make a chain of letters to spell a word. The chain may form a necklace or bracelet.
Provide opportunities to form letter shapes with the body. Make a chain of body/letter shapes to form a word.

2) Attempts to use all cues available (e.g., syntax, context, language predictability) when reading
Guide students to interpret the meaning of a word by using cues and details in drama and/or dance.
Use pictures or illustrations in a book to predict outcomes. Example: Identify and describe a character’s feelings from the facial expressions of the character.
Have students to pantomime actions for verbs.
Use movement to express words and sentences. Example: The teacher will begin a sentence, and the student will complete the thought of the sentence through creative movement.

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