Workplace Data & Listening Skills

How to Teach Reading Lesson Plans: Reads and interprets practical workplace data (e.g., recipes, assembly directions, applications, menus).

1) Utilizes prior knowledge

Have the students develop a web or words about workplace data.

2) Follows written directions within a passage
Develop written directions to a place in the school. The students will follow the written directions.

3) Interprets specialized vocabulary
Label the parts of a picture (e.g., computer, menus, work application).
Have the students play ‘Concentration’ matching specialized vocabulary to the workplace or job.


Menus/restaurant calculator/accountant

Hypodermic needles/nurse

4) Compares the relationship between graphic aids and the content of the passage
Have the students make a Venn diagram of the information contained in an article and its graphic aid.
Have the students write a paragraph explaining which was easier to understand and why.

5) Determines the sequence of activities needed to carry out a procedure
Have the students write the directions to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Have the students write directions, in a small group, on how to construct something simple. Swap directions with another group and try to construct the item.

6) Locates and applies appropriate information (e.g., phone book, manuals, order form).
Provide the students with a list of names. The students will look up phone numbers and addresses in the phone book for these names.
Model how to fill out an order form. Have students fill out a mock order form.

7) Identifies information which provides additional clarity (e.g., bold-faced print, illustrations, italics)
Have the students locate bold-faced print and italicized words in a text and identify their purpose and meaning.
Have students scan an encyclopedia article and identify bold-faced print, illustrations, and italics.

Utilizes listening skills for a variety of purposes

1) Follows oral directions
Have the students listen to movement directions and physically execute them (e.g., take two steps left, three steps right, then jump in place five times). Music may be played to accompany the activity.
Tape record directions and use in a center.

2) Listens to and comprehends oral reading
Read a short story orally, and have the students write a summary of what was read.
Have the students listen to a selection of poetry. Discuss the imagery that comes to mind throughout the poem.
Have students repeat directions after receiving verbal directions. These directions may be tape recorded and used in a center.

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Guide To Getting A Teaching Job

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