Seventh Grade Math

How to Teach Math Lesson Plans: Seventh Grade Math

  1. Describes and extends patterns in sequences
  2. Identifies and uses the commutative, associative, distributive, and identity properties
  3. Translates between simple algebraic expressions and verbal phrases
  4. Solves linear equations using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division properties of equality with integer solutions
  5. Writes a real world situation from a given equation
  6. Writes and solves equations that represent problem-solving situations
  7. Organizes data in a frequency table
  8. Interprets and constructs histograms, line graphs, and bar graphs
  9. Interprets and constructs circle graphs when given degrees
  10. Interprets and constructs stem-and-leaf plots and line plots from data
  11. Estimates and compares data including mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data
  12. Predicts and recognizes data from statistical graphs
  13. Determines probability of a single event
  14. Uses simple permutations and combinations
  15. Converts within a standard measurement system (English and metric)
  16. Converts temperature using the Fahrenheit and Celsius formulas
  17. Uses standard units of measurement to solve application problems
  18. Identifies polygons with up to twelve sides
  19. Classifies and compares the properties of quadrilaterals
  20. Classifies and measures angles
  21. Classifies triangles by sides and angles
  22. Finds the perimeter of polygons
  23. Finds the area of triangles and quadrilaterals
  24. Finds the circumference and area of a circle
  25. Identifies congruent segments, angles, and polygons
  26. Develops relationships of faces, vertices, and edges of three-dimensional  figures
  27. Performs transformations (rotations, reflections, translations) on plane figures  using physical models and graph paper
  28. Investigates symmetry of polygons
  29. Develops and applies the Pythagorean Theorem to find missing sides of right  triangles
  30. Graphs ordered pairs on a coordinate plane
  31. Uses powers of ten to multiply and divide decimals
  32. Uses patterns to develop the concept of exponents
  33. Writes numbers in standard and exponential form
  34. Converts between standard form and scientific notation
  35. Finds and uses prime factorization with exponents to obtain the greatest common factor (GCF) and least common multiple (LCM)
  36. Uses patterns to develop the concept of roots of perfect squares with and without calculators
  37. Recognizes and writes integers including opposites and absolute value
  38. Compares and orders integers
  39. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides integers with and without calculators
  40. Uses the order of operations to simplify and/or evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions with and without calculators
  41. Compares, orders, rounds, and estimates decimals
  42. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides decimals in real-life situations with and without calculators
  43. Converts among decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers
  44. Expresses ratios as fractions
  45. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides fractions and mixed numbers
  46. Uses estimation to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions
  47. Explores equivalent ratios and expresses them in simplest form
  48. Solves problems involving proportions
  49. Determines unit rates
  50. Uses models to illustrate the meaning of percent
  51. Converts among decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, and percents
  52. Determines the percent of a number
  53. Estimates decimals, fractions, and percents
  54. Uses proportions and equations to solve problems with rate, base, and part with and without calculators
  55. Finds the percent of increase and decrease
  56. Solves problems involving sales tax, discount, and simple interest with and without calculators


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