Eighth Grade Math Skills

How to Teach Math Lesson Plans: Eighth Grade Math Skills

  1. Identifies and applies the commutative, associative, and distributive properties
  2. Distinguishes between numerical and algebraic expressions, equations, and  inequalities
  3. Converts between word phrases or sentences and algebraic expressions,  equations, or inequalities
  4. Simplifies and evaluates numerical and algebraic expressions
  5. Solves and checks one and two-step linear equations and inequalities
  6. Solves and checks multi-step linear equations using the distributive property
  7. Graphs solutions to inequalities on a number line
  8. Writes a corresponding real life situation from an algebraic expression
  9. Interprets and constructs frequency tables and charts
  10. Finds the mean, median, mode, and range of a given set of data
  11. Interprets and constructs bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, and pictographs from given data
  12. Interprets and constructs stem and leaf, box and whisker, and scatter plots  from given data
  13. Predicts patterns or trends based on given data
  14. Uses combinations and permutations in application problems
  15. Calculates and applies basic probability
  16. Converts, performs basic operations, and solves word problems using standard measurements
  17. Measures line segments and finds dimensions of given figures using standard  measurements
  18. Writes and solves real life problems involving standard measurements
  19. Selects appropriate units of measurement for real life problems
  20. Identifies parallel, perpendicular, intersecting, and skew lines
  21. Identifies and describes characteristics of polygons
  22. Finds the perimeter and area of polygons and circumference and area of circles
  23. Classifies, draws, and measures acute, obtuse, right, and straight angles
  24. Identifies and finds the missing angle measure for adjacent, vertical, complementary and supplementary angles
  25. Locates and identifies angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal  (e.g., corresponding, alternate interior, and alternate exterior)
  26. Classifies triangles by sides and angles and finds the missing angle measure
  27. Identifies three-dimensional figures and describes their faces, vertices, and  edges
  28. Uses the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems with and without a calculator
  29. Identifies the x and y-axis, the origin, and the quadrants of a coordinate plane
  30. Plots ordered pairs
  31. Labels the x and y coordinates for a given point
  32. Uses tables and graphs simple linear equations
  33. Simplifies expressions using order of operations
  34. Uses the rules of exponents when multiplying or dividing like bases and when raising a power to a power
  35. Multiplies and divides numbers by powers of ten
  36. Converts between standard form and scientific notation
  37. Multiplies and divides numbers written in scientific notation
  38. Evaluates and estimates powers, squares, and square roots with and without calculators
  39. Classifies and gives examples of real numbers such as natural, whole, integers, rational, and irrational
  40. Identifies, compares, and orders fractions and decimals
  41. Rounds and estimates using fractions and decimals
  42. Solves real life problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and  division of fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers
  43. Determines the absolute value and additive inverse of real numbers
  44. Classifies, compares, and orders integers and rational numbers
  45. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides integers and rational numbers with and without calculators
  46. Writes ratios comparing given data
  47. Converts among ratios, decimals, and percents
  48. Solves proportions
  49. Solves for part, rate, or base
  50. Finds commissions and rates of commission, discounts, sale prices, sales tax, and simple interest
  51. Finds percent of increase and decrease
  52. Writes and solves real life word problems using percents with and without  calculators


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