Second Grade Math Skills

Second Grade Math Skills

  1. Identifies, models, and extends figure patterns
  2. Uses patterns to count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
  3. Skip counts by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, and 10’s
  4. Tallies, interprets, predicts, and records outcomes based on given information
  5. Creates line, bar, and pictorial graphs using collected data from students and other resources
  6. Interprets graphical data in terms of “more,” “less,” same,” “most,” and “least”
  7. Investigates and applies concepts of probability through explorative activities (e.g., always, maybe, sometimes, and never events)
  8. Uses appropriate tools and terms to explore measurement
  9. Estimates and measures length, weight, and capacity using standard units of measurement
  10. Categorizes measurement terms according to length, weight, and capacity
  11. Uses convincing arguments to justify the selection of a specific unit of measure for a given item
  12. Collects and compares seasonal temperatures using a thermometer
  13. Identifies vocabulary terms for time (e.g., before, after, until)
  14. Reads and writes time to the hour, half-hour, quarter of an hour, and five-minute intervals
  15. Uses time to sequence events of the day

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  1. Uses the calendar to determine past and future days
  2. Identifies the parts of a clock
  3. Recognizes, identifies, and creates a circle, quadrilateral, rhombus, square, triangle, trapezoid, hexagon, and parallelogram
  4. Compares and contrasts the characteristics of shapes using various resources
  5. Models and finds the perimeter of simple shapes
  6. Recognizes, describes, and presents models of three-dimensional figures
  7. Computes the basic facts 0 to 18 for addition and subtraction with and without manipulatives
  8. Adds and subtracts to find missing addends and subtrahends
  9. Uses the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction
  10. Adds and subtracts numbers presented in vertical and horizontal format
  11. Adds two and three-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping
  12. Subtracts two-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping
  13. Subtracts three-digit whole numbers without regrouping
  14. Models and multiplies numbers 0 to 5 using repeated addition
  15. Uses addition and/or subtraction to solve one and two-step problems by drawing, discussing, modeling, and writing explanations
  16. Selects and uses the appropriate symbols for dollars and cents
  17. Identifies quarters and half-dollars to count groups of coins
  18. Determines the value of money up to $5.00
  19. Compares given values of money up to $5.00
  20. Finds equal money amounts with different coin and dollar combinations
  21. Makes change up to $1.00
  22. Computes multiplication facts 0 to 5
  23. Models multiplication problems by drawing and writing explanations
  24. Identifies, models, and writes numbers 0 to 1000 in order
  25. Sequences numbers using the terms “before,” “after,” and “between”
  26. Identifies place value of a given digit in a four-digit number
  27. Identifies and models even and odd numbers
  28. Identifies, discusses, and draws representations of equivalent fractions through one-third
  29. Estimates quantities to the nearest multiple of ten
  30. Groups items by ones, tens, and hundreds
  31. Rounds two-digit whole numbers to the nearest multiple of ten
  32. Uses the symbols <, >, and = to compare two numbers


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